The last few days have been a bit chaotic to say the lest. Here at Eastcoast Housing we want to assure you that we are still here if you need us. Eastcoast Housing staff can be contacted by ringing 51277160 and leaving a voice message with your name number and why you are calling you, can also reach us by emailing Please note the out office is closed until further notice.
We ask that everyone in lock down take care of each other and where possible reach out to others to make sure they are ok, even if it is a txt, phone call or talking to a neighbour over the fence.
And please no panic buying! be sensible, help each other where possible and be kind.
For anyone currently in lock down please take note of the following:
You cannot have visitors or visit friends and family who live at another household, except for caregiving or compassionate reasons or providing services.
No visits to a second place of residence are permitted outside of the restricted areas.
Exercise is allowed, but you cannot leave or enter restricted metropolitan Melbourne areas or the Mitchell Shire for physical activity.
Restaurants and cafes can open for take away and delivery only. Food courts will continue to be closed.
Pubs, bars, clubs, and nightclubs will be closed. They can offer take away or home delivery of food and alcohol. Bottle shops are allowed to remain open.
The only markets that are permitted to operate are food and drink market stalls.
Beauty therapy, tanning, waxing, nail salons, spas, tattoo parlours and massage parlours must not operate.
Hairdressing businesses can operate if they request contact details of customers in case contact tracing is required.
You cannot attend a religious service. Online streaming of a service is allowed.
Weddings can have a maximum of five people (the couple, two witnesses and the celebrant).
Funerals will be restricted to 10 mourners plus people required to conduct the funeral.
indoor sports centres including gyms, training facilities and pools will be closed.
Outdoor sport facilities will be closed. Personal training outdoors can occur but with a limit of two participants, including the instructor.
Galleries, museums, national institutions and historic sites closed.
Zoos, wildlife parks, petting zoos, aquariums and animal farms closed.
Outdoor amusement parks and outdoor arcades closed.
Indoor cinemas, drive-in cinemas, concert venues, theatres and auditoriums closed.
Community sport training and competition cannot occur.
Libraries and community venues will be closed, except for essential public support services.
Although many shops will remain open, you are encouraged to only shop for essential goods and services.
Auction houses are only permitted to conduct auctions remotely.